Prescription (RX)


By teaming up with prescription lens manufacturer Shamir, who specializes in high base curve eyewear, we can secure the same level of protection and optical clarity to those in need of prescription eyewear. The result of this partnership ensures that the majority of all models can be delivered with customized prescription lenses, and in the case of higher prescriptions, several models offer an insert or a lower base curve rim insert.


Wiley X and Shamir began their cooperation in the beginning of 2010 delivering a high quality prescription product using the newest technology – made to secure the best tailored prescription lens for each individual customer.

Shamir has a unique lens design and special production process, which lives up to WILEY X high optical requirements. The polycarbonate lenses have a minimum thickness of 2.2 mm +/- 10%, which secures the high safety standards of your WILEY X prescription spectacles.

The vision has a fundamental role to all our performances in life. If your vision is not 100 % corrected you will compromise. With a Wiley X prescription spectacle you will both protect the eyes and enjoy all forms of activity.